Wednesday, February 01, 2006

My pictures

As you can see here, I don't blog for too long. But for some time I collect and maintain my photo albums online, something like my "photo diary". You can find these albums on a server that hosts my domain - It sometimes contains pictures that I don't consider "good", but they are included in my gallery just to give some additional point of view. As you know, nobody wants to delete a picture after it was taken, even if it's bad! I'm just not strong enough.

Let me know what do you think about my galleries.

Thx, M.

Another blog - Changes Abroad

Last time I wrote you about my friend J.R.'s and his blog. It looks like he has problems with connectivity in Ecuador, so his blog is getting old. But that's understandable as he has probably a lot of other things to do than to write an "internet diary" for all of us, who just lazily yawn in front of our computer screens.
Today, I want to tell you about a blog of my other two friends - Brooke and Brett. They also left United States and decided to spend a year in New Zealand. You can read about their adventures here in the blog called Changes Abroad.
These young Americans decided to leave comfort of their home and spend some time in a foreign country. I think that it will be a great experience for them and they will return as different people, with much better understanding of the world. (I know what I'm saying as I'm experiencing something similar right now.) I think that such experience enriches everybody and so it should be mandatory for every young person, to go abroad and spend there at a couple of months (instead of going to a military service, for example). If everybody did that, there would be no wars. Don't you agree?